Each Package contains a combo of some or all of the following: Energy tools, Alchemy Rays, Divine Insight, Guidance, Visualisations, Alignments & more
Choose your Alchemy Energy Package from the 3 Menus below:
All General info, Prices, how to Order etc can be found at the bottom of this page after the MENUS
General Body, Mind, Emotion & Soul Packages
- Abundance
- Self Empowerment
- Comfort
- Peace
- Relaxation
- Compassion
- Profound Gratitude
- Upliftment
- Creativity Boost
- Forgiveness
- Grounding
- Conception
- Create Flow
- Self Care
- Self Worth
- Self Love
- Conscious Release
- Release Blocks
- Drop Resentment
- Surrender
- Freedom
- Trust
- Ignite Joy
- Juicy Living
- Rebuild your Life
- Fresh Start
- Confidence
- Completion
- Project Completion
- Vocation Alignment
- Focus
- Concentration
- Memory Enhance
- Clear Creative Block
- Creative Flow
- Creative Juices
- Healing General
- Healing Intense
- Build Immune System
- Suffering Support
- Trauma Support
- Release Female Trauma
- Release Male Trauma
- Grief Support
- Shock Support
- Depression Support
- Clearing Illusion
- Clear your Mind
- Confusion to Clarity
- Gossip Stop
- Wholistic Living/
- Eco Warrior Alignment
- Eco Living Alignment
- Vegan Support
- Personal Clearing
- Space Clearing
- Personal Protection
- Space Protection
- Leave Density
- Energy Burnout
- Frazzled Nerves
- Nothing left to give
- 3D to 5D Help
- Negativity Defense
- Self Loathing
- EMF Defense
- Virus Defense
- Jet Lag
- Burden release
- Stop Rescuing
Spiritual & Energy based Packages
- Free Spirit Connection
- Heaven Earth Inner Merge
- Cosmic Mind Merge
- Infinite Light
- Transcendence
- Intuition
- Chakra Health
- Chakra Synthesis
- Energy Assimilation
- Travel Assimilation
- Energy Assimilation
- Light Integration
- Light Influx
- Cosmic Light into Cells
- Align with Yeshua
- OM
- Wisdom Connection
- Power Connection
- Compassion Connection
- Love Connection
- Heart Connection
- Soul Connection
- Divine Essence
- Cosmic Harmony
- Light Synthesis
- Divine Reverence
- Absolute Stillness
- Trust in the Great Mystery
- Divine Love Connection
- HOLY SPIRIT Connection
- GOD Connection
- GOD Dilution
- Deep Yin
- Dynamic Yang
- Sublime Yin Yang Balance
- Open to Cosmic
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Bow down before the
- Peace which passes all
- Trusting in the Divine Plan
- Masculine Healing
- Feminine Healing
- DivineWomanAlignment
- DivineManAlignment
- DivineWomanActivation
(prerequisite Divine
Woman Alignment)
- DivineManActivation
(prerequisite Divine
Man Alignment)
- Divine Feminine Integration
(for both sexes)
- Divine Masculine Integration
(for both sexes)
- Divine Wholeness
Feminine - Masculine
(for both sexes, prerequisite: as above i.e. Alignment, Activation & Integration)
- Divine Cosmic Being
(for both sexes, prerequisite Divine Feminine/Masculine Wholeness)
Energetic overload, burnout support etc Packages
- Unbalanced
- Can't ground
- Overly Vibrating
- Energetically over
- Burnout from energy
- Ascension Burnout
- Energy Fried
- Too Expanded
- Too much incoming
- Deep Yin
- Ascension Symptoms
- Energy overwhelm
- Energy Exhaustion
- Healer's Fatigue
- Spinning out in
the Cosmos
- Planetary Grief
- Loss of Faith
- Pain of the World
- Suffering of the World
is too much
- Carrying the weight
of the World
Feel free to suggest a package which you would like to see added to the menus above
Sometimes the Rays in your package may be described in other forms e.g. Waves, Rods or Codes
$150 per package for General use
$333 per package for Tailor Made use i.e. specifically designed/ honed for you
Each package contains:
General Use recording is approx 10 - 15 mins long
Tailor Made recording is approx 20 - 30 mins long
Pdf notes on the Alchemy Rays if required
How do I order?
Select which package/s you want to order from the menu. Next make payment and then email Anna with your order.
Once payment is received Anna will send your order via email. You can order as many packages as you like.
Where do the Alchemy Rays used in the packages come from?
They are part of the Cosmic Life Force Energy System and have been co-created between Anna and the Divine Frequencies of this system. Once you experience them, you are likely to feel their potency quite keenly. Many people do.
When will I receive my order?
Re delivery times: because this is a new service, Anna is creating the packages as the orders come in, so initially, as she is building all the new the packages, for General Use Packages it may take 1 - 4 weeks to receive your order. For Tailor Made Packages it will take 2 - 6 weeks.
Please let her know if it's urgent and she will endeavor to get it to you asap.