Your Mini Retreat

Divine - Dynamic - Clearing - Healing

Come to Marahau and experience a beautiful retreat with Anna in her Temple.

Together we will flow in the energies of beauty, light, clarity, intuition, meditative states, transformation, energy work, healing, intention setting and more. Each mini retreat is all about you and what you want to engage with.

We will be moving with whatever arises....


Together we will flow in the energies of beauty, light, clarity, intuition, meditative states, energy work, healing, intention setting and more. 

Each Mini Retreat is about you and your well being.

Mini Retreats are a combination of any of the services Anna offers.

Select your Retreat

3hrs 20 mins: $660
includes a 20 min break for herbal tea & light refreshment
4 hrs 20 mins: $900
includes a 20 min break for herbal tea & light refreshment

Your Mini Retreat can also be spread out over the day.
For example, we take a break while you rest or go for a walk in nature and then resume after that.

Anna also occasionally offers Mini Retreats in Wellington when she is there 


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