Anna's background & training to date

Around the age of twenty seven, I underwent a mystical experience with the Creator, where, not only did I receive a physical healing on a damaged ankle but I was also "spoken to" directly by God. This experience had a major effect on my life in  a myriad of ways, some of them extremely challenging,  all of which which left me with an unwavering trust in the Divine. Simply put, it kick started my pathway for this life.
About six years later, I had the tremendous good fortune to meet a spiritual teacher who unlocked my vocation and set me on the path I'm still on to this day.

For the most part, over the last 28 years, I have been trained and continue to be developed directly by spiritual energies and of course the world  and life around me. This also includes all the extraordinary energies, beings, reflections and teachers I meet along the way and on my sacred travels and retreats around the world.  In the past I have had  particular affinities with the: Holy Spirit & the white dove of Peace, Crystals, Spirit Guides, Angelics, Star Celestials and in particular the Arcturians, White Eagle & the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters, Native American Indians; Light Masters, Gaia, Goddesses, Nature Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons, Mer and many mystical beings who have guided and taught me with extraordinary compassion, support, love and wisdom over the years. These days I am more streamlined via "direct with source" work but I have great love for all that has gone before and am ever humbled by the divine support I feel.

Having read extensively in wide and diverse areas of spirituality and human well being,  I read very little on this topic but continue my refinement through self inquiry, simplification and ongoing communing with new cosmic frequencies as we all shift into greater awareness. Mother earth, all nature, especially  animals and trees, rocks, crystals (which I am in the process of "releasing back to the land") and the elements, are great passions of mine and I do so love connecting and co creating with them as much as I can.

In the early days of my work I trained to develop my intuition and then as a Spiritual Healer under the energy of White Eagle at The Centre of Light, Melbourne. While living in Australia for many years I also explored Tai Chi, Yoga, Magnified Healing with Kuan Yin at Blue Angel, Zenith Colour Healing with the Pleiadians and Hawaian Huna near Byron Bay with Kahuna "Uncle George".

 A great opening in my awareness of chi/energy flow in the natural world came when I trained in 2003 as a Feng Shui Practitioner in  with the Master Feng Institute of Australia followed by appearances on Good Morning TVNZ as their Feng Shui Consultant in 2005.

After spending time at the Joao de Deus Casa in Brasil in 2005, I  was given the opportunity to participate in running one of the large meditation current rooms when the healing medium John of God, was visiting New Zealand in 2006. Unfortunately he has fallen from grace.

During 2015-2016,  I practised Qigong for a period of 18 months. 

In July 2016  I attended a 5 day mantra retreat with Deva Premal & Miten which was a truly transformational  experience and I continue to enjoy the amazing power of Mantra and share this on a wider scale through incorporating satsang and mantra into my group and individual retreats. In 2018 I attended another 5 day mantra retreat with Deva Premal & Miten. Over years I have acquired lots of amazing instruments so I can offer Sound Baths to my clients (crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, Native American drums, flutes & rattles and more). This part of the journey is very exciting and inspiring and I love using all kinds of sounds and all kinds of music with my clients to shift and transform energies on retreat and at events.

I am a passionate about: animals, nature, travel, photographing into other dimensions using light, making healthy food, exploring what nourishes my Soul, living my vocation every day, flowing with the Great Mystery, caring for my human self, painting, reading, writing, dancing, co creating with the elementals and the spiritual world....oh and pugs!

For the last 5 years, I have been bringing through and creating the Cosmic Life Force Energy system.  It developed to make vastly Cosmic energy accessible to those of us in form  and all life here on Earth.

On 12th October 2022,  I returned to the p lace of my original mystical experience with God (nearly 35 years ago in London). Another Divine experience occurred which has led my offerings into new areas and greater flow....

As my work continuously evolves, I always hold to the unshakeable God Presence within me ....the same God Presence that is within you. Above all , my unwavering love for God-Great constant and unending,  offering me and you limitless Divine Light and support. I am ever humbled and bow down in awe......


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